1 Monochromatic Color Scheme
2 achromatic color scheme
3Complimentary Color Scheme
4 Analogical color scheme (e.g. Red, Violet, Blue)
The balance of color and the harmony of color are both important to develop the image and aesthetic of the clothes. I also find that the use of color of this brand could be repeatable, about 4 or 5 seasons per cycle, and continuing the current colors into the coming season. For example: The some color families are cycled every four to five years. For instance, the color family of 06 S/S is very close to those in 02’s S/S. Similar phenomenon can be observed between 08 S/S and 03 S/S, too.
The style of its designs is in simple silhouette. In general, not less than 4 different colors can be found on each outfit.Marc Jacobs is an influential brand in fashion world. Its use of color is influenced by the local culture-American or political affair in a certain level. The environments can bring the ideas or the limits to the designer.
Therefore, here are some colors forecast including neutral colors as its color scheme at 2010 season.
Main color: algal green,Snorkel Blue
Accent color: rococco red , light voitent
Pantone® TPX 15-0326
PANTONE® 19-4049
Pantone® TPX 13-3820
PANTONE® 18-1652
These are based on the following reasons.
1 continuing the using of colors
2the economic of US
3the primary color: red color
Most colours will be used in spring/summer are
Most colour will be used in winter are
1 Monochromatic Color Scheme
2 achromatic color scheme
3Complementary Color Scheme
4 Analogical color scheme (e.g. Red, Violet, Blue)
Monochromatic Color Scheme:
A scheme based on a variety of values, saturations, and temperatures of one hue. Pretty safe, but it can be boring.
Complementary Color Scheme:
There are a wide variety of complementary color schemes, but they all work on choosing one color, and then using its complement, or colors near its comlement, to round out the color scheme. An example might be red with blue green and yellow green. These schemes are easiest to work with when the colors are of similar value.
Analogical color scheme:
A fluidity of monochromatic color is emphasized because using one dominant color with others secondary is in importance. The affect can adopt the color scheme is to give life and energy to the outfits. A combination of hues which are neighbors on a color wheel. For example, purple, blue, and green is an analogous color scheme. Safe, but again can be boring unless values are varied.
Balance of Color:
Marc Jacobs balances the collections by using dark value or dull intensities to avoid boredom and conflict.
Processes of develop color forecast:
When the designer tried to test which color suitable on their design, they would keep on testing different values on different combination.
design ideas came from
-contemporary art.
-his friends.
Americana gives us looks that are clean cut, by utilising stripes, spots and stars. These are given a wide degree of variation when mixed or contrasted in motif size. The ideal place for this look may well be best confined to the political venues of the supporters at presidential elections. This look merges with 'Nautical' when worked in the usual navy, red and white colour scheme.
Analysis of Fashion trend is an interesting subject and makes me have a concept of using color in my life. No matter about fashion style or other things related to my life. After finished this subject, I have found my own way to use the color depend on my mood and my mind.
We should selected one of the strong fashion brand to be our studied objects. so that besides understanding about the ways of color using of Marc Jacobs, I also knew that how to citizen the looks of other people or the styles of them. The aesthetic standard and the tenses of using color are raised. For example, when I read the fashion magazines or walking in the street to analysis the people, I would automatically have a comment to them about what color scheme they used or how well they used the color.
Enhancing my sense on using color to express myself and understand the feelings of designers. I become sensitive to the colors and start considering the color.Colors will become my key for selecting harmonious colors and more appropriate clothing choices.I can save time in dressing, and feel confident with my new color-related appearance.